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Compatible Lexmark 70 Black Ink Cartridge

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Product Ref: lexmark-70-black-ink-cartridge-original-468

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Price: 19.99

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Product Information

Lexmark 12A1970 has been replaced by 12AX970. This new version contains 15% more ink.

For Use On The Following Machines,

lexmark 3200 lexmark 5000  lexmark 5700 lexmark series 7000 lexmark series 7200 lexmark optra colour40 lexmark optra colour45 lexmark f4200 lexmark x63 lexmark x73  lexmark x80 lexmark x83 lexmark x84 lexmark x85  lexmark x125  lexmark x4200 lexmark z11 lexmark z31 lexmark z42 lexmark z43   lexmark z44 lexmark z45  lexmark z45 lexmark z51 lexmark z52 lexmarkz53 lexmark z54 lexmark z82
compaq a900 compaq a1000 compaq a1500   compaq a3000  compaq a4000   compaq c3 -1000 compaq ij300 compaq ij700
kodack pm 100 kodack pm100